Client node amount of requests recieved


We currently have a setup were our cluster has 1 dedicated client node and 4 master/data/client nodes. I believe it is encouraged to have separate data/client and master nodes. We currently have our code switching between all the clients based on a clients availability. I was wondering if there is a ES query which tells me how many requests that each client node is receiving?

I am hoping I can use this info to remove the need to have data nodes as client nodes.


You can look at GET /_nodes/stats/indices?pretty which will give you a break down of various operations.

Below is the outcome of the node stats query. This node is the dedicated client box which takes most of the requests. As you can see everything is 0 pretty much. The other data nodes have values filled out for them. I was really hoping for the client request counts, I don't really care about which data nodes the client calls to get the results back from.

  "qp1hpVE-T3GshDpssBjaCw": {
     "timestamp": 1442535199755,
     "attributes": {
        "data": "false",
        "master": "false"
     "indices": {
        "docs": {
           "count": 0,
           "deleted": 0
        "store": {
           "size_in_bytes": 0,
           "throttle_time_in_millis": 0
        "indexing": {
           "index_total": 0,
           "index_time_in_millis": 0,
           "index_current": 0,
           "delete_total": 0,
           "delete_time_in_millis": 0,
           "delete_current": 0,
           "noop_update_total": 0,
           "is_throttled": false,
           "throttle_time_in_millis": 0
        "get": {
           "total": 0,
           "time_in_millis": 0,
           "exists_total": 0,
           "exists_time_in_millis": 0,
           "missing_total": 0,
           "missing_time_in_millis": 0,
           "current": 0
        "search": {
           "open_contexts": 0,
           "query_total": 0,
           "query_time_in_millis": 0,
           "query_current": 0,
           "fetch_total": 0,
           "fetch_time_in_millis": 0,
           "fetch_current": 0
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           "current_docs": 0,
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           "total": 0,
           "total_time_in_millis": 0,
           "total_docs": 0,
           "total_size_in_bytes": 0
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           "total": 0,
           "total_time_in_millis": 0
        "flush": {
           "total": 0,
           "total_time_in_millis": 0
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           "current": 0,
           "total": 0,
           "total_time_in_millis": 0
        "filter_cache": {
           "memory_size_in_bytes": 0,
           "evictions": 0
        "id_cache": {
           "memory_size_in_bytes": 0
        "fielddata": {
           "memory_size_in_bytes": 0,
           "evictions": 0
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           "total": 0,
           "time_in_millis": 0,
           "current": 0,
           "memory_size_in_bytes": -1,
           "memory_size": "-1b",
           "queries": 0
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           "memory_in_bytes": 0,
           "index_writer_memory_in_bytes": 0,
           "index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes": 0,
           "version_map_memory_in_bytes": 0,
           "fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes": 0
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           "total": 0,
           "time_in_millis": 0,
           "current": 0
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           "hit_count": 0,
           "miss_count": 0
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           "current_as_target": 0,
           "throttle_time_in_millis": 0