Client request error: unable to get local issuer certificate

When installing Marvel I hit this issue:

/opt/kibana/bin/kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest
Installing marvel
Attempting to transfer from
Error: Client request error: unable to get local issuer certificate
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Client request error: unable to get local issuer certificate"

My company uses an intermediate CA cert to verify https connections.
Where can I add this CA cert so that I can install Marvel??

Note: for the Elasticsearch plugin install tool I needed to import the cert with the ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/keytool

For Kibana plugin install tool I've tried all the below config settings with no success (where /ca.pem is my CA cert in PEM format)

cat /opt/kibana/config/kibana.yml | grep ssl
server.ssl.cert: /ca.pem
# server.ssl.key: /path/to/your/server.key
elasticsearch.ssl.cert: /ca.pem
# elasticsearch.ssl.key: /path/to/your/client.key /ca.pem
elasticsearch.ssl.verify: false

Did you ever figure out how to get around this? I'm getting the same issue when I try to install elastic/timelion

Try passing the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 variable (tested up to v5.2).

Run the command like this:

sudo -u <kibana_username> NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 /opt/kibana/bin/kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest