Combine data from different index in kibana

Hello, i'm new user and i use kibana (v 7.14.2).
I am trying to combine data from differents index in the another index or view.
Please, it is possible?

For exemple,
First index :
"_index":" index-1",
"_source": {
"job_id": "A",
"toto": "toto_value",
"workflow_id" : "300"

Second index :
"_index":" index-2",
"_source": {
"workflow_id" : "300",
"status": "completed",
"information": "blalba"

And i trying to have
=> output

"_index":" index-output",
"_source": {
"job_id": "A",
"toto": "toto_value",
"workflow_id" : "300",
"status": "completed",
"information": "blalba"

Can you help me?

That's not possible as is. That would be doing a join in Elasticsearch but Elasticsearch is not a relational database.

Instead, you should change the way you are thinking your dataset and do the join before indexing documents.
Exactly what you wrote. Index instead:

POST /index-output/_doc
 "job_id": "A",
 "toto": "toto_value",
 "workflow_id" : "300",
 "status": "completed",
 "information": "blalba"

Thanks you for your message. Unfortunately i don't have the possiblity to change the dataset. I'm not responsable for indexing, i can just use the data.
I thought it was possible to have a table view with differents index.

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