Completely new to elasticsearch. Need basic help on how to properly search/index a file (mappings may be needed)

Hey Elastic dudes,

I only have a couple of years experience programming and am completely new to anything Elastic.

My problem is that I figured out how to submit a document to elastic search in kibana locally, but I can't search the document. For example, I can submit the document below:

PUT /logs/faultEvent/testDoc1
"entityId" : "someId",
"eventData" : [
"logMsg": "someMsg",
"logSeverity": "INFORMATION",
"logTimestamp": "2016-11-28T18:25:31.1086304Z"
"logMsg": "someMsg2",
"logSeverity": "INFORMATION",
"logTimestamp": "2016-11-28T18:25:31.1086304Z"

However, when I go to search for "information" or "someId" in the discover tab, it finds nothing. I made sure the search time range is for 2 years so the log would be captured. At this point I figured I might need a mapping to tell elastic what I want to be able to search. After attempting many times to create a proper mapping and failing, this is what I still have:

PUT /logs
"mappings" : {
"faultEvent" : {
"_all" : {"enabled": true},
"properties": {
"entityID" : {"type" : "keyword", "index": true},
"eventData" : {"type" : "nested"}

Of note, I want elasticsearch to know that the eventData field may contain anywhere from 1 to n logs.

I'm sure I'm doing many things incorrectly, but I'm eager to learn if anyone is willing to help a newbie.

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