Configure Elasticsearch with script

Hi everyone,

i tried to deploy and configure an Elastic instance via script (first test with powershell)

For that i wrote a terraform script to create 2 docker container (elasticsearch and kibana), create the enrollment token, the validation key, reset the passwort for the elastic user, everything is fine until i have to go to the browser and insert both (enrollment token and validation key) manually

Is there a possability to do that in my script?
I use this
docker exec -it $kibanaContainerId /usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana-setup --enrollment-token $enrollmentToken

with following output:

Kibana is currently running with legacy OpenSSL providers enabled! For details and instructions on how to disable see

✔ Kibana configured successfully.

To start Kibana run:

result is nothing happend, i have to insert the enrollment token manually.

do anyone has a solution here?
Thanks in advance

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