Configure Kibana With out Enrollment Token

Hi Team,

Could you please help me to configure Kibana with elastic cluster without an enrollment token? Due to some constraint, I had removed the security settings from elasticsearch.yml file due to which I am not able to generate an enrollment token for Kibana.

[root@cb-1 bin]# ./elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token -s kibana
Unable to create enrollment token for scope [kibana]

ERROR: Unable to create an enrollment token. Elasticsearch node HTTP layer SSL configuration is not configured with a keystore

Please help me how we can proceed here.


Hi @Debasis_Mallick,

Which version of Elasticsearch are you using? I found a similar error in this thread with a note to a known issue and fix. Can you give that solution a try and let us know if it resolves your problem?

If you disabled security then you do not need an enrollment token for Kibana, you basically just need to configure the elasticsearch host that kibana will connect.

What does your kibana.yml looks like.

@leandrojmp thanks for your response. Can you tell me the steps on how to configure elasticsearch host to connect to kibana and which yml file I need to update?.
The kibana.yml is the default on which comes with installation. I just updated the host and port details to the file.

server.port: 5601 "xx.xx.xx.xx"


@leandrojmp Please help me to configure kibana without an enrollment token.


You need to share your kibana.yml to show what you configured.

But as mentioned, you need to configure the elasticsearch hosts that kibana will talk.

Basically you will need to configure the elasticsearch.hosts option in the file as described in the documentation.

The kibana.yml also explains what you need to configure, you need to check the file and the documentation.

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Thanks @leandrojmp I had configured kibana with elasticsearch with the security option enabled. Thanks for your time.

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