Configuring ELK via tar.gz

I m new user of ELKF but when i first use it via *.tar.gz where i just copy and paste and extracted at one place (i use /opt/)
on other system i use .deb package which create system user of each service
and also got system service for start and stop them

but due to version update i found *tar.gz option give me more control in my hand and my OS system file not get messed

but using this process (*.tar.gz) i m not getting
kibana users and easy start, stop command (service elasticsearch|kibana start|stop)

so i want to know is that , are these user account is required and how would i configure my ELKF so i can run this as service


The tar release is simply just an archive file that contains the release of the specific ELK application.

The OS package releases (such as .deb for Debian or .rpm for RHEL/CentOS) include additional files such as Systemd service unit files & scripts that are executed on installation to add the users that you mention.

How do you provision ELK when setting up instances? Are you using any configuration management such as Puppet or Chef? You could use this to prepare the system with all the required resources for managing the installation of ELK.


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