After upgrading our Elastic cluster from 8.11 to 8.13.4, we encountered an issue related to the index template. The followin error has appeared :
illegal_argument_exception Root causes: illegal_argument_exception: index template [logs-tibco.fonctionnel] has index patterns [logs-tibco.fonctionnel-*] matching patterns from existing templates [logs-tibco.fonctionnel-ppr] with patterns (logs-tibco.fonctionnel-ppr => [logs-tibco.fonctionnel-ppr-*]) that have the same priority [200], multiple index templates may not match during index creation, please use a different priority
This issue occurs when we try to update the custom log plugin. It is blocking us from creating new Custom Log Integration.
Actions taken :
It appears that there is a priority conflit between the template logs-tibco.fonctionnel
and logs-tibco.fonctionnel-ppr
, both having prority of 200 and imilar patterns. The prevents the creation of indices matching the patternlogs-tibco.fonctionnel-*
Both of these indexe templates, as well as the custom logs associated with theses index templates, have been deleted. Despite this, we still encounter this problem when trying to create new custom logs or update the custom log plugin
Could anyone help me resolve this problem?
Thank you