Coremigration error while importing dashboards from dev instance to prod instance

Hi everyone
Can anyone help me with this error.We have a dev and prod instance.i exported one dashboard in dev and
While migrating dashboard from dev instance to prod instane getting the error as Sorry, there was an error

The file could not be processed due to error: "Unprocessable Entity: Document "metrics-*" has a "coreMigrationVersion" which belongs to a more recent version of Kibana [8.5.2]. The current version is [8.5.1]."

Hi @krishnaabylle

the problem is that your current development instance is newer compared to the production one.
You might need to align the two by either upgrading the production one or use a slightly older one for development.

Hi @Marco_Liberati Thank you for the quick repsponse.And how can we achieve that.

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