Could you advise me on determining which version of JDK is embedded with Elasticsearch 7.17.14 on RHEL7 - OpenJDK 20 or 21?

I have collected all breaking changes and deprecations of the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, Beats) for 7.9 to 7.17.14. Is there anything I need to focus on before moving to the upgrade plan? If you don't mind, are you aware of which version of JDK is embedded with Elasticsearch 7.17.14 - OpenJDK 20 or 21 - RHEL7?

are you aware of which version of JDK is embedded with Elasticsearch 7.17.15 - OpenJDK 20 or 21 - RHEL7?

You can check on release notes here.

According to it is OpenJDK 21.

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That's right. It's defined in the source tree here:

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