Couldn't find any Elasticsearch data

Im trying to create a new index pattern in Kibana but I get Couldn't find any Elasticsearch data

elasticsearch::9200 returns:

  "name" : "rechenmonster-es01",
  "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
  "cluster_uuid" : "Sa0KilO0S9G3wnH0sVAsOw",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "7.5.2",
    "build_flavor" : "default",
    "build_type" : "docker",
    "build_hash" : "8bec50e1e0ad29dad5653712cf3bb580cd1afcdf",
    "build_date" : "2020-01-15T12:11:52.313576Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "8.3.0",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "6.8.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "6.0.0-beta1"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

elasticsearch:9200/_cat/indices?v returns:

health status index                                  uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green  open   .reporting-2020.09.13                  5G-oPiePRCCGUvVwWHAcUw   1   1          1            0      5.9mb          2.9mb
green  open   einspeisemanagement-avacon             PeXFb6AkRw6jmEzLvHrKlg   1   1     436000        41500      749mb        374.5mb
green  open   marktstammreg                          fiZ1KTr4QieQ_I72Vp3X7Q   1   1    4293261           46      6.9gb          3.4gb
green  open   micromobility-trips-conglomerated      Fu-nr04PRnq6M8Hx2Uwecw   1   1   18201266      4340956     20.8gb         10.7gb
yellow open   vehicles-scooter-tier-snapshot         iDbqqw_7TCS9QPoUiN0XDg   1   1 1101942015            0    280.9gb        280.9gb
green  open   data-weather-openweather-weather       LWXWjirXSdiys1Xe9fI9OA   1   1     167079            1       54mb           27mb
green  open   auswertung-rides-scooter-tier-revision KOOqwPeSTfm5hrm--YxEeg   1   1   25444118        65155     13.6gb          6.8gb
green  open   vehicles-scooter-tier-minutely         ctctsCr8S4uSSBT5An-F0Q   1   1  280546328       124920    117.9gb         58.9gb
green  open   vehicles-moto-tier-minutely            Ah8AIn7VRf-NeTgvSghJgA   1   1   43648629        64395     17.7gb          8.8gb
green  open   vehicles-moto-emmy-snapshot            oQJP81EfQ4CEOVyW91_cuQ   1   1  377435539            0    140.7gb         70.6gb
green  open   .kibana_task_manager_2                 BUlPjgP6RaujdnXuOWmjng   1   1          3            2     92.4kb         46.2kb
green  open   .monitoring-es-7-2022.03.06            bemGouBqQwqcYaHCCfG-wg   1   1     502128       374590    652.7mb          336mb
green  open   .monitoring-es-7-2022.03.05            aWFB_hehSYmMSUIA2lLigQ   1   1     502119       183394    637.1mb          319mb
green  open   vehicles-scooter-tier-cities           bCol6Jh8Q-mLB650Qa7o8g   1   1  142253983           29       64gb         31.9gb
green  open   .kibana_task_manager_1                 by3XMAq8Rg23EHFgz-rPrw   1   1          2            0     14.6kb          7.3kb
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.03.05        D_NxiB1tSoyJFcEnS-L-Gw   1   1       8638            0      3.7mb          1.8mb
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.03.06        R-bS0pJOQOe1NQCC6vX2Zw   1   1       8639            0      3.7mb          1.8mb
green  open   .reporting-2020.09.20                  EF0gDcOQQ5O06z8DQ9vGEA   1   1          1            0     10.5mb          5.2mb
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.03.07        5GWiwsebQreLaVo7mVleSg   1   1       8638            0      3.7mb          1.8mb
green  open   vehicles-scooter-voi-snapshot          1Cm3n9FVQTmFfEvHRwIgeQ   1   1   64788454            0     45.2gb         22.6gb
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.03.08        B2E0wJx5Sxq9-3QaVbAUYg   1   1       8638            0      3.7mb          1.8mb
green  open   .reporting-2021.08.29                  3sGXyXIrSHyaQsCAr16Aew   1   1          1            0     31.7kb         15.8kb
green  open   auswertung-stands-scooter-tier         FgqT0RQIT2alWQV0dF2U1g   1   1          0            0       566b           283b
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.03.09        B1xHVC9tQFiVBpx7TYP1LA   1   1       8639            0      3.7mb          1.8mb
green  open   auswertung-rides-mopeds-emmy           e-egD-pkQ3if6m9WVaYEDw   1   1    1929650       163691      1.7gb        916.7mb
green  open   .apm-agent-configuration               ZhkOlhE7TBC6vo-V4IlEGg   1   1          0            0       566b           283b
green  open   .monitoring-es-7-2022.03.09            UV82GPEIT_C5V01gGyMZhA   1   1     501974       183206    634.4mb        317.3mb
green  open   .monitoring-es-7-2022.03.08            ZG0NwUffT2ioaDh0DA9Kzw   1   1     502126       183488    636.7mb        319.1mb
green  open   .reporting-2021.08.01                  IrbDuRFmTWG_sa4WdsfCbw   1   1          9            6     65.7mb         32.8mb
green  open   .monitoring-es-7-2022.03.07            Bk9vohIRSWaaKCu3BLvHWQ   1   1     502058       183394    634.8mb        318.2mb
green  open   auswertung-rides-bike-nextbike         pf4MVHbHQjyRnHt4jIe6bw   1   1    1861286        31304      2.1gb            1gb
green  open   .kibana_2                              NuuI_Bw1TIu6ielIVQ8Wsw   1   1        191            8    461.7kb        230.8kb
green  open   micromobility-trips-conglomerated-bak  mEYkOw9kTJuhbtWHsQxyfA   1   1   16040119        33128     12.7gb          6.3gb
green  open   .kibana_1                              xvMQ_IOzTqGndrgOETGZZg   1   1         13            5    132.2kb         66.1kb
green  open   .kibana_3                              YOJHrpkHT3WVXwBXJY2mWA   1   1        363           18    658.1kb        330.7kb
green  open   .tasks                                 VaSCUoaOQ9Gfml3SBIY2OA   1   1          1            0     13.3kb          6.6kb
green  open   auswertung-rides-mopeds-tier           Ve2FlExiSquPohYedW99wg   1   1    3435084        98932      2.3gb          1.1gb
yellow open   vehicles-scooter-tier-snapshot-new     JXC-NbQfTv-4ysWjlHBgFw   1   1 2147483053          466    473.5gb        473.5gb
green  open   vehicles-moto-coup-snapshot            X23Mur8PTEKN56V-QxasFw   1   1   38874562            0     15.1gb          7.5gb
green  open   .security-7                            zb4wvRnMSfuNwMtTlZUVYw   1   1         48            1    136.3kb         68.1kb
green  open   .monitoring-es-7-2022.03.11            UwqNenItSiOiojcScQ9rYw   1   1     302247       173212    613.7mb        308.2mb
green  open   .monitoring-es-7-2022.03.10            fiFSRpYkR7-zupytSunY3w   1   1     502124       183582    614.3mb        307.5mb
green  open   vehicles-moto-tier-cities              Nj8HXWUeRz-BKjKCENjLnA   1   1   11775077           62      5.6gb          2.7gb
green  open   vehicles-moto-tier-snapshot-new        leyPQJX8QWK9QIWELn-orA   1   1  134826756          152     57.4gb         28.7gb
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.03.10        3zyhmzn9T2qNgnx5qi_YwQ   1   1       8638            0      3.8mb          1.9mb
green  open   .reporting-2019.10.20                  Z0BvUztESSmvW0XDHKikhA   1   1          2            0      1.7mb        886.7kb
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.03.11        vzCMfVO0Sxydl7GGyOeTqA   1   1       5180            0      2.3mb          1.1mb
green  open   vehicles-bike-nextbike-snapshot        m3ZbursHSwKMQk9vsTwfSw   1   1  371812315            0    137.5gb         68.7gb

I know that I hit int32_t limitation with that one Index

Kibana requests this IP:5601/elasticsearch/*%3A*/_search?ignore_unavailable=true and gets

    "took": 0,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 0,
        "successful": 0,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 0,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 0,
        "hits": []

Looks like you have many indices, through which you can create an index pattern( data views) . For ex: einspeisemanagement-avacon you could go to management > create data view/index pattern and can discover the data and perhaps visualize it too.

What are you looking for exactly ?

That is what i'm trying to do but Kibana says Couldn't find any Elasticsearch data
And I dont know why.

The query Kibana does to determine If there are any Indexes in es fails, i suppose.

I already have a bunch of Index patterns, but i am unable to create a new one.

Everything else works, indexing, searching, metrics etc.

Okay, so I found a workaround.

  1. Wait for the Request to fail
  2. toggle on Include system indices (it still does not show any indices, but will reveal the texbox with an empty list below)
  3. paste the exact name of the Index in the textbox
  4. This will trigger another check, which should pass
  5. Open the Dev Tools of the Browser and find the > Next step button
  6. delete the disabled="" tag from the html
  7. clicking on next will work as long as the Index exists in ES

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