Hello and a happy new year,
i ingest the Transports Logs from several Exchange Server via Logstash into Elastic.
I'd like to count the TOP 10 Sender Adresses and TOP 10 Recipient Adresses in a given Timerange, like the one i set on a dashboard.
Like this:
For example: i want to know which 10 Senders send the most Mails (and how much) in the last 12 hours (or 24 hour or so on).
Additionally: i'd like to do the same with the overall count of send and recieved mails, but not in total but in the give / set timerange of the dashboard.
(Source: Analysing Exchange (2013) Message Tracking Logs using NXLog & ELK (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana) | Elijah Paul)
Elastic, Kibana and logstash are all updates to the current version 7.16.2.
Any ideas?
Kind regards