COVID-19 Maps and ELK

Hi there,

My partner David Moreno and I have been working in some visualizations with Kibana about COVID-19. A lot of people are using Arcgis because they are giving free licenses and space during the outbreak to some organizations, but we think that ELK offers a lot more capabilities.

Example of visualization using ArcGIS:

You can check our work here:

Spain visualization:
Global visualization:

We are currently modifying some visualizations of the global map and finishing inserting some data, but the Spanish map is finished.

Let us know what you think and if you will be interested in a blog post or guide about the process :wink:

Feel free to contact me at or David at

Carlos Cilleruelo Rodríguez

PS: We do not how Kibana will be handling a lot of connections. Also, we only have 1 gb in our ElasticCloud instance, be patient. Any free cloud or resources will be appreciated, we are running on ElasticCloud trial.


Hi Carlos,

This is great!!, my only advice at this moment would be to try to have all strings in English (minor detail) and to offer relative data instead (or in addition to) absolute numbers, since using absolute metrics on choropleth maps is not a good practice, normalization by total population for example would be a much better KPI, in my opinion. We actually have an open issue to add population data to EMS but that's not going to happen in the immediate short term, I'm afraid.

There is good advice on this topic from Kenneth Field on this Esri blog post. I know Kibana and Maps cannot support all those features, but if you feel there's something that could be easier or just better feel free to open a feature request.

I will share your work internally, maybe other colleagues can provide more insights, and will come back to you if we have further actions but in any case, congratulations on your hard work!!! :clap::clap:


Hi Jorge,

First of all, thank you for all your ideas!!

We are translating all strings to English, our first idea is was orient the Spain visualization to Spanish speakers only.

Related with choropleth maps we did not know about that. In order to solve this and create a better representation, we will probably calculate a KPI with the ratio between confirmed cases and the total population outside elastic and then insert that values.

In future days I will edit the main post with the news.

Fair enough!!

Another thing I noticed is that you use lineal scales for the Y axis, is that intentional to highlight the curve better, instead of using a logarithmic scale?

Hello again,

Yes, we used lineal scales because it represented better the curve.

Also some update, we create some new visualizations:
Spain visualization:
Global visualization:

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