Create TermAggregation with the wildcard field in Java code

Hi, I want to create a termAggregation query with wildcard in Java API. It works in Elasticsearch console, but not in Java code. Would you mind shedding some lights? Thank you!

Below query works in console

  "aggregations": {
    "distinct_fieldNames": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "profileContent.*.fieldName.keyword"

But it doesn't work when I translate it in Java code

TermsAggregationBuilder aggregationBuilder = AggregationBuilders

The data looks like this:

        "_index" : "profile",
        "_source" : { 
              "profileContent" : {
                    "profileId1" : {
                         "fieldName" : "value"

Hi Tiffany,

Below query works in console

I don't think it should. The terms aggregation does not do anything special with wildcard characters - they are treated like any other character and assumed to be a part of the field name.

Hi Mark, thank you for the quick reply :slight_smile:
Would you mind sharing how to get the distinct count in the wildcard field? I thought about using cardinality, but it doesn't work unfortunately...

CardinalityAggregationBuilder aggregationBuilder = AggregationBuilders

If you have content that you'd like to centralise in one field for analysis then using the copy_to setting in the leaf fields would be a way to create a shared field full of values you can aggregate on.
This would require reindexing.

Thanks for the answer, but I'm not sure if this is a bit too complicated to solve my case. I just want to create a distinct aggregation in a wildcard field (profileContent.*.fieldName in the following case), which contains non-null value. Do you maybe have some other ideas I could try?

        "_index" : "profile",
        "uuid": "0001",
        "_source" : { 
              "profileContent" : {
                    "profileId1" : {
                         "fieldName" : "value1"
                    "profileId2" : {
                         "fieldName" : "value2"
                    "profileId3" : {
                         "fieldName" : "value3"
                    "profileId4" : {
}, {
        "_index" : "profile",,
        "uuid": "0002",
        "_source" : { 
              "profileContent" : {
                    "profileId1" : {
                         "fieldName" : "value1"
                    "profileId5" : {
                         "fieldName" : "value5"
                    "profileId6" : {
                         "fieldName" : "value6"
                    "profileId7" : {
Result: {"value1", "value2", "value3", "value5", "value6"} or 5 counts

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