CRITICAL Deprecation log while Upgrading Elasticsearch from v8.4.1 to v8.11.2

We've observed CRITICAL Deprecation logs while Upgrading Elasticsearch from v8.4.1 to v8.11.2.

Attached below logs for your reference.

[2024-01-29T15:58:04,984][CRITICAL][o.e.d.r.a.s.RestSearchAction] [dev01] 
data_stream.dataset="deprecation.elasticsearch" data_stream.namespace="default" 
data_stream.type="logs"  elasticsearch.event.category="compatible_api" 
message="[types removal] Specifying types in multi search template requests is deprecated."

Few more deprecations warnings observed in the logs as given below.

[2024-01-25T11:11:32,027][**WARN** ][o.e.d.r.RestController   ] 
[dev01] data_stream.dataset="deprecation.elasticsearch" data_stream.namespace="default" 
data_stream.type="logs"  elasticsearch.event.category="api" 
message="Legacy index templates are deprecated in favor of composable templates."

[2024-01-29T14:25:42,573][**WARN** ][o.e.d.i.m.ProvidedIdFieldMapper] 
[dev01] data_stream.dataset="deprecation.elasticsearch" data_stream.namespace="default" 
data_stream.type="logs"  elasticsearch.event.category="aggregations" 
message="Loading the fielddata on the _id field is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.  
If you require sorting or aggregating on this field you should also include the id in the body of your documents, 
and map this field as a keyword field that has [doc_values] enabled"

[2024-01-26T13:40:25,841][WARN ][o.e.d.c.m.IndexNameExpressionResolver] 
[dev01] data_stream.dataset="deprecation.elasticsearch" data_stream.namespace="default" 
data_stream.type="logs" elasticsearch.elastic_product_origin="kibana" 
message="this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .security-7, .security-profile-8, .security-tokens-7, .tasks,  .transform-internal-007], 
but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default"

Please let us know how this can be fixed?

You're making multi-search template requests which include types. Stop doing that.

You're using legacy templates. Use composable templates instead.

You're making a request which requires loading the fielddata on the _id field. Stop doing that. If you require sorting or aggregating on this field you should also include the id in the body of your documents,
and map this field as a keyword field that has [doc_values] enabled.

This one apparently comes from Kibana, should be resolved in a future version.