Curator 5.4.1 exits gracefully but does nothing

I have just installed curator 5.4.1 on a CentOS 7 machine to access an Elasticsearch 5.6 instance.
The install seems okay

$curator --version
curator, version 5.4.1

but curator always exits gracefully with an exit status 0 without doing anything. Same thing for curator_cli.

The behavior is always the same even if I only put garbage the configuration file.

$curator action.yml
$echo $?

Any insight will be appreciated.

Curious. I tested the package on a CentOS 7 machine, and it works for me:

[buh@centos7-pkg-test curator_packages]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
[buh@centos7-pkg-test curator_packages]$ curator --version
curator, version 5.4.1
[buh@centos7-pkg-test curator_packages]$ curator --dry-run --config curator.yml open-test.yml
2017-12-11 11:28:58,105 INFO      Preparing Action ID: 1, "open"
2017-12-11 11:28:58,109 INFO      Trying Action ID: 1, "open": open all indices older than 1 day should only use with --dry-run as test for output
2017-12-11 11:28:58,394 INFO      DRY-RUN MODE.  No changes will be made.
2017-12-11 11:28:58,394 INFO      (CLOSED) indices may be shown that may not be acted on by action "open".
2017-12-11 11:28:58,394 INFO      DRY-RUN: open: .kibana with arguments: {}
2017-12-11 11:28:58,394 INFO      DRY-RUN: open: .ml-anomalies-shared with arguments: {}
2017-12-11 11:28:58,394 INFO      DRY-RUN: open: .ml-notifications with arguments: {}
... Lots more indices here ...
2017-12-11 11:28:58,397 INFO      Action ID: 1, "open" completed.
2017-12-11 11:28:58,397 INFO      Job completed.

Thanks for your help.

[admin_kering@kgxch1delk01 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
[admin_kering@kgxch1delk01 ~]$ curator  --dry-run actions.yml
[admin_kering@kgxch1delk01 ~]$ echo $?
[admin_kering@kgxch1delk01 ~]$

Is there some kind of "magic" debug option I could use to try to understand what's going on?

What's in your ~/.curator/curator.yml file?

Eye-opener :slight_smile: Trying to cut and paste curator.yml onto this board, I've realized there was a spurious non ASCII character at the beginning of the 1st line.
No clue why but the problem is solved anyway.
Thanks again.

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