Custom Query

Is it possible to use a custom Elasticsearch query in Kibana? For example, I have a query that does several aggregations across different types, and I would like to setup a visualization for it. The Kibana UI only allows - AFAIK - relatively simple queries. This would be with the latest versions of ES (2.2.0) and Kibana (4.1.1).



Could you give more of an example of what you're trying to do? It is correct however that kibana doesn't support some of ES' functions.

Thanks for the quick reply!
Well, I want to do an aggregation over two types, say, A and B. Both are "correlated" by a common property, say, "correlationId". Then, type A has one property and type B has another. I would like to count those documents who have one property and those who haven't:

GET metrics/a,b/_search
"aggs": {
"all": {
"terms": {
"field": "correlationId"
"aggs": {
"with_disposition": {
"terms": {
"field": "disposition.dispText"
"without_disposition": {
"missing": {
"field": "disposition.dispText"

Is this clear for you? I have a couple of problems: I don't know Kibana enough and I am having a hard time living without JOINs! :slightly_smiling:



I forgot to say: I am only interested in the aggregations, not the actual query!


Any solution for this? I have the exact same challenge.