Dashboard background doesn't change

Hi. I recently changed the default dashboard background to black, but then I didin't like it and switched back. However, background still appears to be black after several created dashboard. How can I change it back without modifying other settings and reinstalling kibana?

Do you see the Dashboard change from dark to light when you uncheck the option? And are you saving it afterwards?

NOTE: It is possible to create 2 dashboards with the same name. If this happens you could have one with the dark theme and one with the light theme and not realize it. To check, go Management > Saved Objects and look to see if you have multiple dashboards with the same name.

If you still think the change from dark to light isn't working, please let me know what version you're using.


Hi Lee,

yes, it solved my problem. First, I changed the global settings and set the default theme to dark and after changing it back it seemed like every dashboard that I created was still dark. Yet, now, after editing the options within a dashboard, created dashboards are no longer in dark theme.


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