Data [All message fields ] are not visible on kibana 7 to drill down on pie chart

Hi Experts,
I am using kibana-7.3.1 .My custom JSON gets stored in elastic search inside 'message' field,
and I want to draw pie chart based on these fields .but issue is I can't see those custom JSON fields on KIBANA dashboard for selection ,Can anyone guide me on same?


You could convert the strings into real document structures, eg. using the grok processor in the ingest pipeline

A more targeted approach is the JSON preprocessor in Logstash

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Thank you very much @monfera for suggesting approach.
I am new to logstash. Could you please provide any reference/sample JSON preprocessor example in Logstash which will give expected format to index in elasticsearch.


There are a bunch of examples here and setting up logstash is described here and there are various blog posts and tutorials if you search, maybe worth searching or asking in Logstash discuss as it's not really Kibana-specific.

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