Default space

Hi, my default space is unaccessible. when I am presented with the " Select your space" page and I choose Default, I am redirected to one of the other spaces.
I have restarted Kibana and I have checked that .kabana is write enabled. The Kibana log telle me nothing, it contains no errors and nothing is written there when I am redirected.
This is a big problem, most of my configuration is in the Default space.
Kibana 8.5.3

Hi @ponpon,

Welcome to the community! Does your browser console have any errors at all such as an 403 unauthorized when trying to access the default space?

Replying to myself incase anyone else has this problem! The issue was that the "Default route" in Kibana Advanced settings for the Default space was set incorrectly (!) I managed to access the Default space by using the uri "s/default/app/dashboards" and then navigated to the Kibana advanced settings page and then reset the default route to default.
Not sure how that happened .....

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