Deploying and enrolling an agent using ansible. (Ansible-lint failure)

For the installation of the agent on a Linux server I use RPM. This involves using yum. After which the downloaded agent needs to be enrolled. The command in Ansible in straight forward, but Ansible-lint blocks it because there is no check if the command has already been executed. I agree with Ansible that there needs to be a check whether the agent is already enrolled, but I can not seem to find any change in file structure or command that shows that the agent is enrolled.

Any solutions for this check?

PS: Chadgpt said to check for .fleet-enrolled files, but I don't see them when I enroll the agent.

Have you checked if running elastic-agent status can help? I don't think there is any file that will tell you if the agent is already enrolled or not, but with elastic-agent status you can see the status of the agent.

For example, running something like this would tell you if the agent is connected to the fleet server:

# elastic-agent status --output json | jq .FleetMessage

The documentation for the cli can be found here.

Probably ChatGPT inventend this as it already has invented a lot of things about other tools, always validate with the documentation.