Discover - Limit events returned

Is it possible to limit the number of results returned from a discover search? For example I just want the last event indexed for a particular field.

I was able to do this in a visualization by taking the max @timestamp and then bucket -> Split rows by Term but it would return a table that included both @timestamp AND term. I just want the term.


I think I understand what you're shooting for.

If you go into the Management section, and select Advanced Settings, there is a 'discover:sampleSize' setting. Change that to 1.

Does that accomplish that you want?

I thought about that option but won't the result be all of my discover searches returning only 1 event? I was hoping to save specific searches that only return 1 event (the latest indexed) and the rest return the normal settings amount.

Unfortunately I don't think there is a more clean way to accomplish what you're looking for. :frowning:

There is a current feature request for this, although I don't think it's high on the priority list at the moment. Feel free to weigh in there!

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