How to limited Result of Search in discoveory

Hi All.
In Kibana Version 7.4.1 i try to search data in discovery tab.
i got the results but i need show it to dashboard but i have some problem. because i need to lock the result per pages in discovery display on dashboard. i no idea how to fix 10 results per pages.

The tried method

  1. Config discover:sampleSize in Management/Advanced settings (it not my answer because in dashboard can't click to next pages of results.)
  2. Edit Search in save object it try to edit size of search kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON
    "highlightAll": true,
    "version": true,
    "query": {
    "query": "callcenter_msg :* and (Channel :"A0274" or Channel :"MB") and TransactionType :"add" ",
    "language": "kuery"
    "filter": ,
    "indexRefName": "kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON.index"

no idea how to solved this so issue anyone can help me ?

@maddog you need to enable the setting discover:sampleSize.

Also, what are the visualization you are trying to use? In your visualization Data or Options tab you should found a setting called Size or Per Page than you can use to apply that setting.

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