Do i need to specify node ips in all nodes?


Size of our Data is about 50 MB.
Since we are planning to serve 50,000 QPS (Query Per Sec). We are going with 8 Node cluster

  • 5 Data Nodes (Dedicated)
  • 3 Master Nodes (Dedicated)

I have realize that people won't dare to read my config.

So, I am making it easy, do i need to put ["datanode-1", "datanode-2", "datanode-3", "datanode-4", "datanode-5"]

In all 8 nodes or only in master or only in data?

OR Do i need the below one in all my nodes ["master-1","master-2","master-3","datanode-1", "datanode-2", "datanode-3", "datanode-4", "datanode-5"]

You can just list the masters. The setting is a seed, so once it can contact one node it will contact the rest.