Do operations without timeline

Hi everyone,

I have a doubt about kibana. I have a table and a graph in excel and I am trying to transpose to elastic.

The table below shows the sum of M variable in the last column. The same think happens to the X variable.

Now what I need is to divide both and compare the differences of each of them, as you can see in the graph below.

Is this possible in kibana?

To help here, I'm going to need to see some sample documents inside your dataset, if that's possible.

Yes. Of course.

This is an example of a BD that feeds the table.

If enterprise is "Website" then it sums total_abord to A variable.
If enterprise is "Call center" then it sums total_abord to CC variable.

But for example. To the G and F variables the DB can be other.

Is this making sense to you?

Thanks very much

I know that timelion can do some operations. But in this case, as you can see in the graph, the x-axis is not date/time format and I can't change x-axis in timelion

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