Do we have a light weight Kibana?

When I run Kibana,it will create many indeces on my cluster,

These indices are unnecessary for me,
and the Kibana will do periodic operations (index, search...) on my cluster.

In fact,I only need the "Dev Tools" function.
(the es-head is so weak:-)

So my question,do we have a light weight version Kibana?

You can use the kibana.yml file to disable parts of Kibana (e.g. to disable apm use xpack.apm.enabled as described here:, but some of those indices are necessary for Kibana to function at all.

As long as you are not actively using the other parts of Kibana, the housekeeping tasks Kibana will run from time to time are very lightweight and shouldn't interrupt even small clusters, so they are normally not a problem.

Did you notice any performance problems due to this?

Thank for reply.

No performance problems on Kibana.

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