Does my structure false?

Hi everyone !

i would like to know if my json datafile structure is false to be use correctly by ES/Kibana.

Below my JSON structure:


(This code is not complet, I have a lot of countries, servers and users in the full datafile)

I can import my file correctly in ES, I can see my data in Kibana too but i can't make true chart using my datafile.

What I've to do for make chart on number of users per countrie for example or a cumulative chart of the number of user as a fonction of time ?



Hi Math,

just curious, how is this different from Some help for a newbie

I thought you solved this already...


Hi -AB,

yes i solved this problem but some issues appeared with my new structure and idk if it comes from my JSON structure or if it's me who dont know how to use kibana correctly and i don find any informations on the documentation to fix my issues.

Like i said on the other post, I can make linear chart to show the number of users per countries but i would like this chart in cumulative mode.
My issue is : i can do that because i havent number field.

Here questions who I'm asking to myself:
How can I count number of user total (Numerically) ?
How can i count number of user per countries (Numerically)?


The above JSON structure is again what you started with. If you create one document per user, the new structure you mentioned in the other post, Kibana can give you the numbers you want :slight_smile:

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