Does Rally support custom metrics or custom index in the configuration

I have many different versions of ES clusters that I often test with Rally. Does Rally support custom metrics or custom index in the configuration? From the documents, Rally - Metrics -* is written by default and does not support configuration.


Rally allows you to specify so called user-tags when you start a benchmark. These are arbitrary key-value pairs that you can use to identify different benchmark runs (see our metrics record documentation for details).

Here is one example from our nightly benchmarks:

  "@timestamp": 1611182229640,
  "relative-time": 58114619,
  "race-id": "b5f9cec4-c0eb-4daa-b088-4128d10b99a6",
  "race-timestamp": "20210120T200055Z",
  "environment": "nightly",
  "track": "geonames",
  "challenge": "append-no-conflicts",
  "car": "defaults+trial-license+x-pack-security",
  "name": "disk_io_write_bytes",
  "value": 16825364480,
  "unit": "byte",
  "sample-type": "normal",
  "meta": {
    "tag_name": "geonames-append-defaults-1node",
    "tag_setup": "bare-basic",
    "tag_race-configs-id": "race-configs-group-1.json",
    "tag_license": "trial",
    "tag_x-pack": "true",
    "os_name": "Linux",
    "os_version": "4.13.0-45-generic",
    "cpu_logical_cores": 8,
    "cpu_physical_cores": 4,
    "node_name": "rally-node-0",
    "host_name": ""

You can see the user-tag properties as keys prefixed with tag_ in the meta structure.


Thank you very much for your careful answer. It can solve my question very well.

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