Don't working scheduler in snapshot policy


I'm was install 3nodes-cluster elasticsearch.
Setted the snapshot policy for indecies rotation.
Running the policy manually working success, but through scheduler don't work.
Version of ElasticSearch is 7.12.1

GET "localhost:9200/_slm/policy/daily-snap?human&pretty"
  "daily-snap" : {
    "version" : 3,
    "modified_date" : "2021-05-27T07:42:03.227Z",
    "modified_date_millis" : 1622101323227,
    "policy" : {
      "name" : "daily-snap",
      "schedule" : "0 0/15 * * * ?",
      "repository" : "main-repo",
      "config" : { },
      "retention" : {
        "expire_after" : "1d"
    "last_success" : {
      "snapshot_name" : "daily-snap-qmhklrfvslukteszwukgnw",
      "time_string" : "2021-05-27T05:37:45.028Z",
      "time" : 1622093865028
    "next_execution" : "2021-05-27T08:00:00.000Z",
    "next_execution_millis" : 1622102400000,
    "stats" : {
      "policy" : "daily-snap",
      "snapshots_taken" : 3,
      "snapshots_failed" : 0,
      "snapshots_deleted" : 0,
      "snapshot_deletion_failures" : 0

Please, help.

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