Dynamic label in Timelion doesn't work as expected

I was trying to generate a Timelion graph using the split feature and also dynamic labels but the result is not as expected:

.es(index=transaction.es*, timefield='time',q='status:KO', split='site.keyword:10').multiply(100).divide(.es(index=transaction.es*, timefield='time',q='status:OK OR status:KO')).yaxis(2).label("[$1]", "^.* > site.keyword:(\S+) > .*")

my desired output is the KO ratio by site, and the actual output is:

As you can see int the graph the KO ratio for the site with higher volume is around 9% but its not real because the ratio for this site is around 50%

Then the split by site.keyword for all the sites is not OK, due to the ratio is calculated grouping all the sites.
Do you know any idea to solve it?

Hey @Eduardo_De_Zulueta, you'll want to add the "split" parameter to the second .es statement:

.es(index=transaction.es*, timefield='time',q='status:KO', split='site.keyword:10').multiply(100).divide(.es(index=transaction.es*, timefield='time',q='status:OK OR status:KO',split='site.keyword:10')).yaxis(2).label("[$1]", "^.* > site.keyword:(\S+) > .*")
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Hi @Brandon_Kobel, thanks a lot, now it works perfect!

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