I'm trying to generate (with python) a Timelion dynamically (without saving).
I'm basically changing the query and index-pattern and trying to get an ifream embedcode in response.
Is this possible and if so, any advice to achieve this or another approach?
Thanks in advance
Looking at the iframe code:
<iframe src="http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/visualize/create?embed=true&type=timelion&_g=()&_a=(filters:!(),linked:!f,query:(language:kuery,query:''),uiState:(),vis:(aggs:!(),params:(expression:'.es(*)',interval:auto),title:'New+Visualization',type:timelion))" height="600" width="800"></iframe>
You should be able to just change the expression
argument in the URL, you shouldn't have to go through python or anything, unless I'm missing something.
Apparently if you change the query for example, without save the object, it does not work.
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