I've been working through the ECE Fundamentals course and I've run into a bit of a roadblock at the start of Lab 2. I made it through Lab 1 without issue and have the expected output for the last step of Lab 1. When I run the bash/curl command to install ECE version 2.1.1, as the first step of Lab 2, I get the following errors:
I just tested the instructions and it worked fine. If the above command is giving you errors, maybe there is a misconfiguration from the previous lab. If that is the case, I can replace the machine for you, so you can start over again.
Thank you for the quick feedback. Yup, I tried running that command. If I try it without sudo, it says it doesn't have permissions to create the directory. If I run it with sudo, that's when I get the original error I outlined. Attached is a screenshot showing the last command of Lab 1 and this bash install command.
please review the lab steps from 1.10 to 1.18. It looks like the elastic user does not have permissions to write in /mnt/data and that is causing the install script to fail. Please also make sure that /mnt/data is mounted to /dev/xvdb and it is formatted with XFS.
If you are still running into issues we can replace your machine and you can start over the labs again.
I tried double checking some things but I must have done something wrong as the instance is stuck rebooting... Any chance you could replace my instance with one that is already at the start of Lab 2? The chances of me ever actually running the install in real life are next to zero as our dev team will take care of that. What I'm really interested in is the configuration & monitoring of the installed instance (Labs 2 & 3).
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