ECK license question

Hello! I have a question regarding elastics license agreements hope I could get some help here.

We're thinking about setting up an ECK Elastic Environment with a basic free license, only to be used internally within our department in the organization.

We're gonna gather and index cluster/node logs from customer servers (not from customers applications), we're not going to charge the customer or offer the customer to use the Elastic or Kibana. We're only gonna manage and use it ourselves for a temporary time to have a better overview of our Kubernetes logs.

Are we breaking the elastic license agreement by doing this with a basic license? I have tried grasping elastics license agreement but found it hard to understand.

Hi @gampuero Welcome to the community!.

Reading your post it looks like you're fine.

I would review this

These are the three main points

  • You may not provide the products to others as a managed service
  • You may not circumvent the license key functionality or remove/obscure features protected by license keys
  • You may not remove or obscure any licensing, copyright, or other notices

And by reading the description of how you want to use, elastic is pretty much exactly our intention for running the basic license for your internal use.

So I would say get started!

If you have any further concerns you can always have someone in your legal department or.

Thanks a lot for the confirmation! Ill be sure to read it trough.
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