Elastic Agent Cloudflare Integration using S3 Compatible Bucket

Hello, I'm trying to use Elastic Agent to collect log data using Cloudflare Integration, collecting those logs from a S3 compatible Bucket (Oracle Cloud), however it's only availble options to collect from AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage. Is there any way to use this integration using a S3 compatible object storage?

I have tried to configure setting up some advanced options such as URL endpoint and Default Region (to values from the OCI) but it did not work (and also do not showed any error).

Thanks in advance!

This seems possible, you would need to set your bucket name on the [Global][S3] Cloudflare R2 Bucket Name option.

The name is misleading, but from this PR it seems that this will expose the non_aws_bucket_name setting, which is used by the aws-s3 beats input to get data from s3 compatible services.

You will also need to configure the endpoint.

Not sure if this will work because I do not use this integration, but from the documentation it seems possible.

Can you test it?

I will try to open an issue to get more clarification about the settings and compatibility.

EDIT: Opened this [Cloudflare Logpush] Expose the non_aws_bucket_name in a more generic way to avoid confusion. · Issue #10733 · elastic/integrations · GitHub.

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Thank you Leandro!

I'm using an older version of Elatic Agent and that option it not available.

I will evaluate the possibility to upgrade to get this update.

Thank you for your help!