Elastic-agent entry /proc/net/udp not found


I set up a Fleet server and on this same policy I added a Juniper integration, I see that it listens on the specified ports with the command "sudo ss -tulpn" and I can see the logs arriving with a TCPDUMP. But I get this elastic-agent error

"message":"failed to get udp stats from /proc: /proc/net/udp entry not found for [00000000:232E]","component":{"binary":"filebeat","dataset":"elastic_agent.filebeat","id":"udp-default","type":"udp"},"log":{"source":"udp-default"},"host":"","log.logger":"input.udp","id":"udp-juniper_srx.log-fd0f819b-e5bf-49e8-8489-b647538cea14","service.name":"filebeat","ecs.version":"1.6.0","log.origin":{"file.line":251,"file.name":"udp/input.go"},"ecs.version":"1.6.0"}

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