Elastic and kibana upgrade from 6.6 to 7.0

Hi @all

This is regarding a query on upgrading Elasticsearch & kibana.
The current version of Elastic search & Kibana in our organization is 6.6.1 used to storing RPA logs.
I am planning to upgrade to 7.x or 8.x

Can someone please help me in providing detailed steps and instructions to do the
I am new to this Elastic search and kibana. So i have no idea on how to do the upgrade and not able to understand the terminologies/steps mentioned in documentation. could you please provide deep understanding and guide me to complete the upgrade activity.

While checking 7.0 Upgrade assistant, i saw the below critical issue :
"nodes which do not have discovery configured"


The easiest path IMO is to create a new 8.15.0 cluster and reindex the data from the 6.6 cluster.

Otherwise you need to:

  • Upgrade FIRST to 6.8.latest
  • Run the upgrade assistant and fix ALL the issues
  • Upgrade to 7.17.latest
  • Run the upgrade assistant and fix ALL the issues which probably will ask you to rewrite the ol 6.x indices into a 7.17 compatible format
  • Upgrade to 8.15.0

Apparently you opened the same question already at

Let's keep all that in the same place.