Elastic enterpise search engine count limit

Is there any Elastic Enterpise Search engine count limit. How many engines can i create for example can I have an engine per user. This would help me solve some of the other issues i am having.

Thanks for any help in advance

Hi @CTO_Servefast, there's no hard limit for the number of engines in Enterprise Search. Anecdotally I've seen cases with 40+ engines before. However, each engine takes up resources, so how performative it would be really depends on the server specs and what the engines are doing.

That is perfect thank you since we are looking to have an engine for each user we will scale and handle servers ofc.

EDIT: actually 40+ not good :slight_smile: we would need 1000+

1000 is huge, I don't think Enterprise Search or Elasticsearch will handle that well. I don't recommend this approach anymore :smile:

What is the specific problem you're trying to resolve by having a separate engine for each user?

Actually it is quite simple i want to delete all of the files for a user. You can read more here in another topic. I was thinking it might me easier to delete the engine but if i am going to use one engine then i need to delete specific files that are for the user

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