Elastic Map Service : Unable to find EMS tile configuration for id:road_map : Kibana 7.17.0

We have done on premise Kibana deployment at client location on Windows Server VM. VM does not have public internet access. We are getting below error while loading map.

Unable to load layer
Unable to find EMS tile configuration for id:road_map. Kibana is unable to access Elastic Maps Service. Contact your system administrator. - Failed to fetch

Kibana version : 7.17.0

How should we resolve the issue?

Have a look at Connect to Elastic Maps Service | Kibana Guide [7.17] | Elastic

Thank you for the quick response. So will exposing tiles.maps.elastic.co and vector.maps.elastic.co via 443 port as firewall rule will work?

But you said that. So I guess you can not connect to the services.
The link I shared is about running locally the Maps service.

ohhh ok. So we will need to create locally running map service. Got it.

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