Elastic Search Deployment

Hello Stephen. After I uninstalled the IBM DB2 client and ran the batch file it crossed that step And now when I navigate to https://localhost:9200/ I am able to get the login prompt. I set the environment variable $ELASTIC_PASSWORD = "elastic" . So far login is not successful. I am trying to create an entry into the elasticsearch-env as well. Hope I am proceeding in the right direction. Thanks for your help in guiding a newbie like me. Hope to get past the authentication soon.

So when elasticsearch started it should have provided the password. Did you capture that correctly?

Exactly how are you trying to log in?

Rest API? Kibana exactly what and exactly what are the errors?

The more information you provide, the better we can help.

Please show exact commands in exact results

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Hello Stephen.
Thanks for all the help. I was able to reset password and login. I think I am all set. Thanks also to other members who helped.


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