Elastic with two tables. Help me :)

I need your advice. I have two tables in one resulting addresses (1) and in the other the same addresses but with typos and abbreviations (2). I would like to match the most matching records from Table 2 to Table 1. And export them to a csv file. So in table 1 I have e.g. the key city_street_number and in the second I also have the key city_street_number and wants to match these two keys to each other based on their similarity, while in the second table I have typos. I already know how to send a file to elastic. In dev tools write a query with the selected text and as a result I have how much it matches. Now I would like me not to have to write the text and he would download the text to check from Table 1 and choose only the best matches not all. I don't think I can do it in tev tools only in the file with which I send the csv file to elastic? I work with windows.

Are you using the Elastic Enterprise Search or Elastic App Search products? Or are you using Elasticsearch?

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