I have 2 nodes ES cluster(on GCP platform), I want to clone this and need to create a new cluster.
I have taken the image of the current Node1 and 2 then create the VMs.
Then modified these settings as per the new cluster on the elasticsearch.yml
Then started the Elasticsearch service. Node 2 is started(but in red), and Node 1 started but giving this error.
[] no known master node, scheduling a retry
[] master not discovered or elected yet, an election requires a node with id [b6ayR48yTHq6cBvdugYWKA], have discovered [{}{XdhyvbwLQQWBiawK4BX0Ag}{rcJ4blk5Tz2PZuEiViirNg}{}{}{dim}] which is not a quorum; discovery will continue using [] from hosts providers and [{}{XdhyvbwLQQWBiawK4BX0Ag}{rcJ4blk5Tz2PZuEiViirNg}{}{}{dim}] from last-known cluster state; node term 31, last-accepted version 15139 in term 31
Not sure how to solve this.