Elasticsearch custom date field issue

elasticsearch 6.2
logstash 6.2
filebeat 6.2

logstash conf

 if [type] == "s-response"{
       elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["","",""]
    index => "s-response-%{+YYYY-MM}"

    stdout { codec => rubydebug }


and stdout is

              "code" => "200",
              "tags" => [
    [0] "beats_input_codec_plain_applied",
    [1] "_geoip_lookup_failure"
              "host" => "",
        "spent_time" => 54,
       "application" => "smap-toll-path-link",
              "beat" => {
        "name" => "dbs-233",
    "hostname" => "dbs-233",
     "version" => "6.2.3"
           "message" => "OK",
              **"date" => "2018-04-09T19:08:43.430",**
        "prospector" => {
    "type" => "log"
            "offset" => 13479,
        "threadName" => "http-nio-8093-exec-5",
          "@version" => "1",
        "loggerName" => "smap_tollgate.controller.TollgateController",
            "source" => "/app/smap/toll/log/smap_toll_allpath_links.2018-04-09.log",
"applicationVersion" => "0.0.1",
              "type" => "s-response",
        **"@timestamp" => 2018-04-09T11:08:49.109Z,**
             "level" => "INFO"


I found the @timestamp has been deducted 8 hours,and the date field (custom json field) had no change.
Then I search the data in es,"2018-04-09T19:08:43.430"
The result is the same with logstatsh.
But when I use kibana , the "date" (json field) had been increased 8 hours .
I create the index pattern, and chose the "date" field as "Time Filter field name".

The  "date": "2018-04-09T19:08:43.430" in es
The date:April 10th 2018, 03:08:43.430 in kibana

I just want to use "date" as "Time Filter field name" and I don't want kibana to change the "date".
What should I do?
thanks a lot!

Wild guess: If you do not specify a timezone, then UTC is used. Could this be the problem in this case?

Thanks for yous reply.I need to get the application request real time not filebeat harvesting time.Anything I can do ?

I do not understand what you are trying to say here, can you elaborate?

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