Elasticsearch Elastic Agent integration (not via Filebeat/Metricbeat)

A few days ago I noticed that there was an actual Elasticsearch monitoring integration available when browsing through the available integrations in Kibana.

So I figured I'd upgrade to 8.2.3 and then enable that for monitoring ES instead of the Filebeat and Metricbeat instances I was managing via Ansible.

This evening I sat down to set it up, but for the life of me I cannot find the Elasticsearch integration anywhere. I know it exists here: integrations/packages/elasticsearch at main · elastic/integrations · GitHub But it's nowhere to be found in Kibana/Fleet's UI.

I think the integration is still experimental. Are experimental integrations hidden? How do you unhide them?

Or has that integration just gone away and the github repo is out of date?

Thanks in advance.

It's not hidden. It has not been made compatible with v8. If you look at the package manifest file, it's only compatible with 7.15.0 kibana.version: ^7.15.0.

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Thanks! I had not seen that. :slight_smile: Now I know.

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