Today I had a huge surprise when trying to migrate some of our existing infrastructure to a new Elasticsearch service serveless deployment hosted on Elastic Cloud and my code has stopped working with ResponseError: This API is unavailable in the version of Elasticsearch you are using.
Upon closer inspection, I found out that the newly created serveless deployments are on version 8.11.0 of Elasticsearch, which is severely out of date (latest version should be 8.17.1). This makes this completely unusable for us as we rely on up to date APIs and unfortunately will have to abandon this offering right away, which is a huge shame because it seemed greatly attractive.
Have I missed anything or can nothing be done about this?
Hi @Stanislav_Modrak Welcome to the community and thanks for trying Elastic Serverless?
Sorry for the confusion
If you run GET / to get the version number, the 8.11.0 shown is for internal reasons... that does not represent the feature version number.
Serverless is essentially version-less; your serverless deployment is / will be the latest.
Serverless technically does not expose a version number by design, as it always stays on the latest / up-to-date... in this case right now it will have the serverless equivalent on 8.17.1 but will not report that.
So, lets focus on what API is failing.
Exactly what API is failing, it is possible that that API is not supported or works differently.
What Elastic version is it currently working with today?
Hi Stephen. Ah, I see. That is what probably confused me as well. I have now also realised there's a separate client package to use specifically for serverless deployments, so I am looking into that one. This has now stopped throwing ResponseError: This API is unavailable in the version of Elasticsearch you are using for me. Thanks for your help!
How do you make sure serverless always stays on the latest version? How do you deal with breaking changes? Especially such that affect some of the user data indices.
None at this moment actually, I was just thinking ahead.
This was a second concern of ours actually. And that is that if that's the case, our serverless deployment might start to lag behind the latest Elasticsearch version and we would miss out on new features and capabilities.
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