I would like to explore setting up Elasticsearch in Azure (Managed Service) to work with OpenMetadata.
We will have 3 environments for OpenMetadata - Dev, QA and Prod.
Question I have is whether we can use just one Elasticsearch cluster to power all three OpenMetadata instances? If so, should we be using unique user accounts for each environment?
OR, should we have a dedicated Elasticsearch cluster per environment? What is supported? The documentation is not very clear on this.
It is hard for us to comment on how to use other component with Elasticsearch. I suspect the OpenMetadata community may be a better place to converse.
That said typically it is not Really Best Practice to mix Prod and Non-Prod into the a single datastore, for reasons of Resiliency, Safety, Security, Change management, Upgradeability etc..etc...
That said Elastic has strong RBAC and you could absolutely store all the data in Elastic and partition by Index / User / Role etc..
Without know the details I would probably separate the Prod and Non Prod environments, but of course that means running / managing 2 Elasticsearch environments.
Perhaps put Dev / QA in 1 Cluster (Non-Prod) and Prod in its own (Prod)
Are you going to run Elasticsearch yourself or use Elastic Cloud? (hosted / serverless)
Thanks for the feedback. We plan to run elastic in Azure (hosted). So that does make it a bit easier since we arent building from scratch. Our usecase is fairly small. So I felt like the overhead of individual Elastic clusters for each environment seemed like overkill. Separating Prod vs Non-Prod though was something I was thinking of like you suggested. That way Dev and QA and co-exist.
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