Elasticsearch ILM Deleting an index is just a logical drop, but the index can still be used. Will it eventually be physically deleted

View index lifecycle management in Kibana The current phase is Delete and the current action is Complete


It's not clear what you mean here sorry, can you please elaborate?

LIM is used to manage the index life cycle, while indexes in the drop phase can still be queried.

The index status is as follows

What does your policy look like?
What version are you running?

elasticsearch 7.10.0 kibana 7.10.0
LIM only keeps indexes for 1 minute after configuring them in Kibana

The LIM configuration is as follows
PUT _ilm/policy/access_test
"policy": {
"phases": {
"hot": {
"min_age": "0ms",
"actions": {
"set_priority": {
"priority": 100
"delete": {
"min_age": "1m",
"actions": {}

The index template is as follows
PUT _template/access_test
"order": 5,
"version": 60001,
"index_patterns": [
"settings": {
"index": {
"number_of_shards": "3",
"number_of_replicas": "1",
"refresh_interval": "30s",
"max_result_window": "300000"
"mappings": {
"dynamic": "false",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "keyword"
"age": {
"type": "long"
"aliases": {}

Please give your comment,thanks.

Your delete stage does not seem to have a delete action which could be why the index is not deleted.

Thank you very much.I configured and copied the request API through the Kibana graphical interface, and I can see from the Kibana Index Lifecycle Management that the index drop operation has been completed.
How should I adjust it, please

  • Thank you. I found the reason

PUT _ilm/policy/access_policy
"policy": {
"phases": {
"hot": {
"min_age": "0ms",
"actions": {}
"delete": {
"min_age": "2m",
"actions": {
"delete": {
"delete_searchable_snapshot": true

There was a bug in 7.11 or 7.12 I think that cause this, upgrading will fix it.

I think there is a missing line of code in the official documentation example. When I added it, the index was deleted normally

That screenshot shows the delete action under the phase, so it is correct.
I would suggest upgrading.

My version of Elasticsearch is 7.10.0
Do you mean that the presence or absence of this parameter ("delete_searchable_snapshot": true) does not affect index deletion

No it does not.

You had this in your policy above;

And per the docs it should have been;

"delete": {
    "min_age": "1m",
    "actions": {
        "delete" : { }

You were missing the second delete decleration.

As I mentioned, there was a bug in earlier versions of Kibana that meant while an ILM policy was created, it didn't include that delete in the action. Hence why upgrading will fix it.

This is probably a bug in the current version of Kibana (7.10.0)

Yep, that's what I was saying.

Ok, thank you

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