Elasticsearch in docker container keeps enabling xpack even if explicitely disabled

I'm running elasticsearch for local development in a docker container and disabling xpack explicitely, yet, every x days the container locks itself because the xpack license exprires, elastic stops working

I'm disabling xpack through environment variables in my docker-compose.yml as such

  image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:5.5.2
  # image: elasticsearch:5.2.2
    - http.host=
    - transport.host=
    - xpack.security.enabled=false
    - "$DATADIR/data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data"
    - "9200:9200"
    - "9300:9300"

still, xpack license kills my container

51 PM

this is super annoying, how can I get rid of xpack all together?

I have moved your question to the x-pack forum.

Turning off security is not the same as disabling X-Pack. If you have the x-pack plugin installed, then you need to have some form of licence.
The 5.5 docker image ships with X-Pack.

The easiest option is to go to https://register.elastic.co/ and obtain a 12 month licence for X-Pack basic (which is free).

Alternatively you can uninstall X-Pack with theelasticsearch-plugin command, although modifying the container might not be something that you want to do.

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