ElasticSearch in WordPress headless setup

We are setting up a headless frontend (Nuxt, Vue) for our WordPress site. We pull data via GraphQL.

Now we explore if / hot to make use of Elasticsearch. Any experiences / recommendations how to do the setup?

So far we have only checked the Elasticsearch plugin for WP; but as I understand it this is primarily for making Elasticsearch work within Wordpress.

Welcome @andreasdiehl! Thanks for posting.

I looked around and found a community-supported plugin, ElasticPress. However, this may be the plugin you were referring to. There are also a few other community plugins as well that may be helpful too. When using community plugins in general, always ensure they are compatible with the version you are currently using.

There are also a few Vue.js examples that may be useful as well

If those options aren't a good fit, please provide more details about your objective and we will do our best to help.




Thanks a lot.

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