Elasticsearch: Nested JSON object parsing and aggregation

I am currently working on a project that takes GitLab Security Scanner artifacts, curls the JSON artifact files to ElasticSearch, and then visualizes certain information from said artifacts. In this scenario, I am trying to create a visualization that shows the number of different severity detections per scan.

For example, in this specific Semgrep scan, there are a total of 8 vulnerabilities detected: 2 Critical, and 6 Medium. (artifact example is at the bottom of the post).

The issue that I am running into is that after the JSON artifact has been indexed into ElasticSearch, it is not portraying the correct number of severities per level (Critical, High, Medium, etc). Kibana shows the scan as having 1 Critical, and 1 Medium, instead of 2 Critical and 6 Medium. If I check the data view, vulnerabilities.severity shows all of the detections (Critical, Critical, Medium, Medium, Medium, Medium, Medium, Medium).

I have tried dynamically mapping, explicitly mapping, using fielddata = true instead of multi-fields with text and keyword field types, and nothing seems to work.

Recently I have tried creating a runtime field in Stack Management / Data Views / Index with a script that creates an array based off of vulnerabilities.severity.keyword, creating a for-each loop that counts the number of specific severities, and then outputs the result as number of type 'long' for the new runtime field, but I have had no progress with this either. (script snippet is below, sorry formatting isn't keeping)

int total_crits = 0; String[] crits_array = /[ ]/.split(doc['vulnerabilities.severity'].value); for(String i : crits_array){
if(i == "critical"){
    total_crits = total_crits + 1;

This runtime field ends up only outputting a value of '1', and the array that is formed also only has a length of '1'. I have tried creating a runtime field using the same script on a different field such as vulnerabilities.description.keyword and seeing if the array will populate correctly, and it portrays the correct number of '8', so I am really at a loss here. Any help would be much appreciated, really hitting a wall with this one.

Let me know if theres any additional info I can provide.

"version": "14.0.4",
"vulnerabilities": [
        "id": "d4d5840a33d2a9ead8ad735282883ea8563e07b958f99e7465e57433f4d2e721",
        "category": "sast",
        "message": "Deserialization of Untrusted Data",
        "description": "Consider possible security implications associated with pickle module.\n",
        "cve": "",
        "severity": "Critical",
        "scanner": {
            "id": "semgrep",
            "name": "Semgrep"
        "location": {
            "file": "examples/face_recognition_knn.py",
            "start_line": 38
        "identifiers": [
                "type": "semgrep_id",
                "name": "bandit.B403",
                "value": "bandit.B403",
                "url": "https://semgrep.dev/r/gitlab.bandit.B403"
                "type": "cwe",
                "name": "CWE-502",
                "value": "502",
                "url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/502.html"
                "type": "owasp",
                "name": "Insecure Deserialization",
                "value": "A8"
                "type": "bandit_test_id",
                "name": "Bandit Test ID B403",
                "value": "B403"
        "id": "568d9fc5cea8ac63945e9e445ca23b52a5aa17fceee35a721b16c8cbbd37acde",
        "category": "sast",
        "message": "Deserialization of Untrusted Data",
        "description": "Consider possible security implications associated with pickle module.\n",
        "cve": "",
        "severity": "Critical",
        "scanner": {
            "id": "semgrep",
            "name": "Semgrep"
        "location": {
            "file": "examples/facerec_ipcamera_knn.py",
            "start_line": 41
        "identifiers": [
                "type": "semgrep_id",
                "name": "bandit.B403",
                "value": "bandit.B403",
                "url": "https://semgrep.dev/r/gitlab.bandit.B403"
                "type": "cwe",
                "name": "CWE-502",
                "value": "502",
                "url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/502.html"
                "type": "owasp",
                "name": "Insecure Deserialization",
                "value": "A8"
                "type": "bandit_test_id",
                "name": "Bandit Test ID B403",
                "value": "B403"
        "id": "e1505129ce291fe66bff5000acacc2b81da3aa79977d12a74f11e8f9d2b865ef",
        "category": "sast",
        "message": "Deserialization of Untrusted Data",
        "description": "Avoid using `pickle`, which is known to lead to code execution vulnerabilities.\nWhen unpickling, the serialized data could be manipulated to run arbitrary code.\nInstead, consider serializing the relevant data as JSON or a similar text-based\nserialization format.\n",
        "cve": "",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "scanner": {
            "id": "semgrep",
            "name": "Semgrep"
        "location": {
            "file": "examples/face_recognition_knn.py",
            "start_line": 106
        "identifiers": [
                "type": "semgrep_id",
                "name": "bandit.B301-1",
                "value": "bandit.B301-1",
                "url": "https://semgrep.dev/r/gitlab.bandit.B301-1"
                "type": "cwe",
                "name": "CWE-502",
                "value": "502",
                "url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/502.html"
                "type": "owasp",
                "name": "Insecure Deserialization",
                "value": "A8"
                "type": "bandit_test_id",
                "name": "Bandit Test ID B301",
                "value": "B301"
        "id": "ab46969c8e6f9134ae3b5cb8786bfe302cf6bd6938f96dd87b11dcfb701f6a0f",
        "category": "sast",
        "message": "Deserialization of Untrusted Data",
        "description": "Avoid using `pickle`, which is known to lead to code execution vulnerabilities.\nWhen unpickling, the serialized data could be manipulated to run arbitrary code.\nInstead, consider serializing the relevant data as JSON or a similar text-based\nserialization format.\n",
        "cve": "",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "scanner": {
            "id": "semgrep",
            "name": "Semgrep"
        "location": {
            "file": "examples/face_recognition_knn.py",
            "start_line": 132
        "identifiers": [
                "type": "semgrep_id",
                "name": "bandit.B301-1",
                "value": "bandit.B301-1",
                "url": "https://semgrep.dev/r/gitlab.bandit.B301-1"
                "type": "cwe",
                "name": "CWE-502",
                "value": "502",
                "url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/502.html"
                "type": "owasp",
                "name": "Insecure Deserialization",
                "value": "A8"
                "type": "bandit_test_id",
                "name": "Bandit Test ID B301",
                "value": "B301"
        "id": "6bbdabc3c4b6ba3b3e8a18ed8b6f7dbd231a1c535e3fa5493b337413fc406a36",
        "category": "sast",
        "message": "Deserialization of Untrusted Data",
        "description": "Avoid using `pickle`, which is known to lead to code execution vulnerabilities.\nWhen unpickling, the serialized data could be manipulated to run arbitrary code.\nInstead, consider serializing the relevant data as JSON or a similar text-based\nserialization format.\n",
        "cve": "",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "scanner": {
            "id": "semgrep",
            "name": "Semgrep"
        "location": {
            "file": "examples/facerec_ipcamera_knn.py",
            "start_line": 111
        "identifiers": [
                "type": "semgrep_id",
                "name": "bandit.B301-1",
                "value": "bandit.B301-1",
                "url": "https://semgrep.dev/r/gitlab.bandit.B301-1"
                "type": "cwe",
                "name": "CWE-502",
                "value": "502",
                "url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/502.html"
                "type": "owasp",
                "name": "Insecure Deserialization",
                "value": "A8"
                "type": "bandit_test_id",
                "name": "Bandit Test ID B301",
                "value": "B301"
        "id": "84afcb2af18d4b30a6de9e9d2e7a1844a9b8258c17c451f5f318e40c8665b39e",
        "category": "sast",
        "message": "Deserialization of Untrusted Data",
        "description": "Avoid using `pickle`, which is known to lead to code execution vulnerabilities.\nWhen unpickling, the serialized data could be manipulated to run arbitrary code.\nInstead, consider serializing the relevant data as JSON or a similar text-based\nserialization format.\n",
        "cve": "",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "scanner": {
            "id": "semgrep",
            "name": "Semgrep"
        "location": {
            "file": "examples/facerec_ipcamera_knn.py",
            "start_line": 134
        "identifiers": [
                "type": "semgrep_id",
                "name": "bandit.B301-1",
                "value": "bandit.B301-1",
                "url": "https://semgrep.dev/r/gitlab.bandit.B301-1"
                "type": "cwe",
                "name": "CWE-502",
                "value": "502",
                "url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/502.html"
                "type": "owasp",
                "name": "Insecure Deserialization",
                "value": "A8"
                "type": "bandit_test_id",
                "name": "Bandit Test ID B301",
                "value": "B301"
        "id": "6b5733765f40c7b998398e45575ac7b02d5788d219a55ae80da6e96d7d94cee3",
        "category": "sast",
        "message": "Active Debug Code",
        "description": "Detected Flask app with debug=True. Do not deploy to production with this flag enabled\nas it will leak sensitive information. Instead, consider using Flask configuration\nvariables or setting 'debug' using system environment variables.\n",
        "cve": "",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "scanner": {
            "id": "semgrep",
            "name": "Semgrep"
        "location": {
            "file": "examples/web_service_example.py",
            "start_line": 113
        "identifiers": [
                "type": "semgrep_id",
                "name": "bandit.B201",
                "value": "bandit.B201",
                "url": "https://semgrep.dev/r/gitlab.bandit.B201"
                "type": "cwe",
                "name": "CWE-489",
                "value": "489",
                "url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/489.html"
                "type": "owasp",
                "name": "Security Misconfiguration",
                "value": "A6"
                "type": "bandit_test_id",
                "name": "Bandit Test ID B201",
                "value": "B201"
        "id": "e404c37a5509d091001b989e4b951c2ab9ac1621c12e0636934e1fd128bee55f",
        "category": "sast",
        "message": "Active Debug Code",
        "description": "Detected Flask app with debug=True. Do not deploy to production with this flag enabled\nas it will leak sensitive information. Instead, consider using Flask configuration\nvariables or setting 'debug' using system environment variables.\n",
        "cve": "",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "scanner": {
            "id": "semgrep",
            "name": "Semgrep"
        "location": {
            "file": "examples/web_service_example_Simplified_Chinese.py",
            "start_line": 110
        "identifiers": [
                "type": "semgrep_id",
                "name": "bandit.B201",
                "value": "bandit.B201",
                "url": "https://semgrep.dev/r/gitlab.bandit.B201"
                "type": "cwe",
                "name": "CWE-489",
                "value": "489",
                "url": "https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/489.html"
                "type": "owasp",
                "name": "Security Misconfiguration",
                "value": "A6"
                "type": "bandit_test_id",
                "name": "Bandit Test ID B201",
                "value": "B201"
"scan": {
    "scanner": {
        "id": "semgrep",
        "name": "Semgrep",
        "url": "https://github.com/returntocorp/semgrep",
        "vendor": {
            "name": "GitLab"
        "version": "0.76.2"
    "type": "sast",
    "start_time": "2022-05-26T19:35:19",
    "end_time": "2022-05-26T19:35:27",
    "status": "success"

As far as I know Kibana still has very limited support for handling nested objects so I do not think what you want to do is possible with the document format you have. If you however instead stored each vulnerability as a separate document you should be able to visualise it.

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