
I just started exploring elastic search and was trying to install the ELK stack via putty but I wanted to know that is it possible to run it and get something out of it by using pure CLI for learning purpose as I currently don't have GUI access. Wherever I see on web I see the Kibana GUI dashboard.

Any Help appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi Atharva,

Installation of the Elastic Stack on headless servers using CLI is the normal way of installation...
There are several ways to install, you might use the tar.gz files or the RPM
You can also use apt-get - links here for RPM, you will find tar.gz on the navigation menu: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/rpm.html
For logstash:
Metricbeat (similar for other beats):

Related to Kibana GUI dashboard, this is a very neat graphical interface to read data (dashboard is made of several visualisations), Kibana also includes Console which is a nice Rest client which can help you build queries. However elasticsearch is Restful, so you can run the same queries with curl, documentation often uses curl (assuming you left default of listening to loopback address in elasticsearch.yml)
curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/

Hope this helps you get started, you will find some nice videos on youtube and I would recommend https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/getting-started.html

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